Vivi360 supports your recovery treatment center by providing new capabilities that make treatment more effective.
1. Automated recovery meeting management for your recovery treatment center.
With Vivi360’s new Meetings feature clinicians can add recurring meetings like group meetings, clinician meetings, and more to the client’s schedule and it automatically adds it to their ViviCompanion smartphone app and reminds them about upcoming meetings.
PLUS with automated meeting tracking, when your client attends a meeting at the location listed on the meeting invite, it automatically tracks attendance. For remote meetings they can report attendance for your review.
This is a game changer and makes your recovery treatment center better. No more guessing or tracking who was there or manually transcribing sign in sheets. If you client attends a meeting and has their smartphone with them, it is all automatically recorded. You even get insight notifications on attendance in your ViviClinic dashboard!
2. Blood Alcohol Content checks on the go.
In Vivi360, you can schedule automatic check-ins with your client on blood alcohol content at times that are convenient for them. They can take a blood alcohol test anytime, anywhere with the pocket BAC through ViviCompanion. You get real-time notifications of results!
You also get best in class photo verification to evaluate and confirm that your client took the test, with the ability to review any results in questions.
This increased accountability makes your recovery treatment center better and is easier for clinicians while also providing your client the opportunity to be accountable to themselves and their plan. They can prove to you and their supporters that they are sticking with it.
3. Mind-blowing insights into your recovery treatment center clients.
Insights make the invisible visible.
Is relapse imminent? How are clients really doing? How are they sleeping? Are they being active and engaged? Have they lingered near a location that they asked for help avoiding? Are they doing self-care or mindfulness exercises? Are their vitals changing in a way that needs your attention?
These are all questions that are answered by Vivi360.
You can literally know in real-time how an outpatient client is really doing throughout the week, even if they only come in to see you once or twice.
Vivi360 provides an amazing level of remote patient monitoring that you have never seen before. This can differentiate your treatment center and demonstrate real value to your clients and their supporters.
4. Automated empirical data in notes and URs for your treatment center staff.
Every clinician has to track and document the progress of their client. Vivi360 does half the work for you by automatically generating notes and utilization review information for the period on your client’s well-being, engagement, vitals, sleep, and more.
All fully editable. All fully and automatically written.
No more hand generating critical data from scratch. Automated clinical information gives you a head start on clinical notes and gives you objective outcomes data to start with.
5. Reduced drop out rates.
What costs treatment providers money and effort?
Clients who do not finish their treatment.
With Vivi360 you get insight and monitoring that helps more clients stick with their treatment.
Treatment centers see higher completion rates and less AMA drop out.
Clients and their supporters see lasting recovery.
This is why we do what we do. We help make your your recovery treatment center better. At ViviHealth we exist to save and improve the lives of those in recovery and we do that by supporting and empowering recovery treatment centers and recovery clinicians.
For More Information
Vivi360 supports recovery treatment centers with insights and technology. Reach out and schedule a demo to learn more about the Vivi360 Recovery Solution and how it could help your treatment center harness technology like real-time BAC monitoring to generate insights that can transform your care.
ViviHealth exists to…
…transform recovery treatment through insights and technology to support sustainable and lasting recovery that saves and improves lives.
The Vivi 360 Recovery System is a comprehensive insight platform that combines real-time health monitoring devices, clinical insight dashboards, and personalized client care applications to make recovery treatment centers more effective.
Vivi360 delivers empirical clinical outcomes built on years of evidence-based scientific research from top universities and board-certified addictionologists.