Behavioral healthcare facilities and addiction recovery programs have a new opportunity to improve the measurement and analysis of their care through the use of behavioral health patient monitoring healthcare analytics tools like Vivi360. Actionable data and measurable results are important across the healthcare landscape. Systems like Vivi360 make important actionable data and measurement available to behavioral health and recovery treatment programs.
Analytics and Measurement in Behavioral Health care
Vivi360 is a unique technological approach to measurement of mental health and mental resilience. It uses a combination of passive physiological measurements through wearable patient devices and patient feedback assessed through a smartphone app.
Feedback-informed care and measurement-based care are standard mechanisms in behavioral health treatment. But without additional physiological data and wellness measurements, they are limited to patient assessment measures and screenings. Rating scales and assessment tools like the DSM-5, Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessments, Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale, GAD-7 screenings for generalized anxiety disorder will soon be administered through the Vivi360 clinical system.
But the Vivi360 does much more than just administer assessments. The system adds to the feedback-informed care and measurement-based care by providing physiological wellness measurement capabilities through the wearable health device and BAC monitor. It also incorporates quick, ongoing daily assessments using the positive and negative affect schedule (PANAS). These tools provide opportunities for additional information on the condition and activity of the patient. Vivi360 processes that information to generate real time insights using proprietary algorithms and machine learning capabilities. This active monitoring allows for a new kind of personalization and better healthcare analytics for behavioral health and addiction recovery treatment.
Heart Rate & Heart Rate Variability through Wearable Health Devices
Heart rate variability data provides powerful information on patient condition and mental state. A low variation between heartbeats when there is no exercise or physical activity going on can be indicative of stress. An individual in that condition is likely to be experiencing a physiological fight or flight response. By measuring heart rate variability and using it to provide stress management techniques, personalized support can be provided that can help the patient better manage periods of stress in healthy ways.
Vivi360 measures heart rate using pulses of light from the sensors in the band. To measure stress, it looks at the individual’s heart rate and ignores elevated heart rates due to likely physical activity or exercise.
Breathing Interventions for Stress
By providing a breathing intervention based on estimated increased stress through heart rate variability, we can give the individual an opportunity to affect their physiology in real-time. The breathing intervention in Vivi360 is designed to guide the individual through a minute or two of resonant breathing in that moment.
Engaging in resonant breathing, breathing at six breaths per minute, stimulates the vagus nerve, which reins in the physiological fight or flight response the body is experiencing. Our bodies control arterial blood pressure through baroreceptors which are activated by heart rate. Activities like resonant breathing results in the heart rate slowing and becoming more regular. It decreases arterial blood pressure and relaxes the muscles. The individual experiences feelings of increased calm as a result of engaging in the right kind of short breathing exercise. The resulting focus provided by breathing exercises and meditations also serve to reduce negative affect and emotions. These changes can give the individual a moment to pause and better manage stress, skills which can help them in their recovery journey.
Blood Alcohol Content Assessments
Pocket breathalyzer modules allow for convenient assessments for those suffering from alcohol use disorder. Assessments in Vivi360 can be easily administered at times determined by the clinician, allowing for ongoing accountability. These assessments are a transparent measurement of the individual’s sobriety and can be reported during periods of treatment and can continue into aftercare and beyond.
Program Dropout
By charting sleep, affect, stress, blood alcohol content with composite scores on overall wellness, program engagement, and adherence, Vivi360 employs predictive modeling to estimate the risk of recurrence based on the data across patients and conditions. Using those data points and analyzing the development of those factors in a time series, the system provides relevant insights and trend analysis.
These insights enable proactive clinical response with real results: personalized interventions based on real-world client condition can improve care and reduce treatment drop out.
Through meta-analyses of over 100+ studies much can be inferred about the cognitive and physiological predictors of potential program dropout. Stress control, resilience, positive and negative affect, and psychiatric and physiological comorbidities are all potential contributing factors. The impact of co-occurring psychiatric disorders is debated due to the inherent complexities, but issues like mood disorders or major depression can potentially predict recurrence of substance use and can be a factor during times of abstinence.
Models for reimbursement have been moving from being primarily service-based to being increasingly outcome-based. Payers are looking to better measure what is really working and use that information to apply standardized methodologies to treatment, similar to the rest of the healthcare landscape. There is pressure on clinicians and behavioral health programs to measure and demonstrate what’s working and the extent to which it is working for different patient populations.
Empirical outcome measures like heart rate variability, physical activity, blood-alcohol assessment data, and location information can be combined with patient feedback mechanisms like screenings to provide persuasive empirical data on the treatment’s effectiveness to build a better case for reimbursement.
Within Vivi360, patient data is compiled into a detailed utilization review report, providing comprehensive detail on the patient’s adherence to treatment, program engagement, and relevant health and wellness factors.
Behavioral health and addiction treatment organizations need reliable data to support strategic planning and to demonstrate the value of their unique approach to increasing market share and improving their care.
Healthcare analytics data that behavioral health facilities get from the Vivi360 Recovery Solution:
- Patient data. Specific, behavioral health data on care provided and patient response.
- Outcomes measurement. Aftercare and long-term monitoring data , demonstrating ongoing outcomes, charting progress across the full continuum of care and even after the patient leaves treatment.
- Utilization Review information. Vivi360’s utilization reporting captures a 360 view of the patient’s clinical picture and care interventions, supporting the clinic with evidence-based criteria to support reimbursement. ViviHealth recently published a full white-paper on how ViviHealth drives better outcomes and improves revenue.
Better Addiction Treatment and Healthcare Analytics
Behavioral health is looking for ways to grow and improve the analysis of care. Decision-making informed by clinical data and real-world patient outcomes will help behavioral health organizations demonstrate the value of their care. Data will also help to inform long-term decisions on patient care.
Additional Information about ViviHealth Technology and Behavioral Health Treatment
- Value-based Care in Addiction Recovery
- How AI Advances Behavioral Health Treatment
- Why Automated Meeting Attendance is a Game-Changer for Clinicians
- Revenue-Generating Insights for Behavioral Health Leaders
- New Insights for Recovery Professionals
ViviHealth exists to…
…transform recovery treatment through insights and technology to support sustainable and lasting recovery that saves and improves lives.
The Vivi 360 Recovery System is a comprehensive insight platform that combines real-time health monitoring devices, clinical insight dashboards, and personalized client care applications to make recovery treatment centers more effective.
Vivi360 delivers empirical clinical outcomes built on years of evidence-based scientific research from top universities and board-certified addictionologists.
Medical Disorders in Substance Abuse Patients. (2004). Dual Diagnosis and Psychiatric Treatment, 436-468. doi:10.3109/9780203017616-22
Quello, S., Brady, K., & Sonne, S. (2005). Mood Disorders and Substance Use Disorder: A Complex Comorbidity. Science & Practice Perspectives, 3(1), 13-21. doi:10.1151/spp053113